Minggu, 20 Mei 2012


NNDC UNY has officially been closed by our beloved adviser of UKM Bahasa Asing SAFEL (Student Activity Forum of Foreign Languages), Mr. Rachmat Nurcahyo. For these three days, we acknowledge that there are so many mistakes that we, the committee have done. Therefore, on the behalf of the committee, we as the tournament director and the tournament organizers do apologize for any mistake we made during the three days competition. We do appreciate for those who want to give us some advice or feedback for the committee of NNDC UNY 2012.

Not to mention, we also would like to thank to all participants, CA, DCA and adjudicators and more to the committee who have excitedly participated in this great event. Now that it is over, you can take some enough rest. We know that you all had just passed the most hectic days during the competition. Have a safe trip then. See you next year in Jogja :)

With love, 

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